Being Realistic: Avoiding Scam Voluntours

A Young Girl Looking in the Mirror

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Sometimes I look in the mirror and I have this existential crisis moment. I think, “that’s me in there… behind those eyes.” It’s the kind of thing you can’t think about every day or you’d go crazy—that you’re whole self, everything you are, is totally contained inside your skull. But it’s true. Everyone must think about that sometimes, and to think about it is to realize how fragile we are, how strange it is to be self aware, and how important it is to protect that delicate shell that we reside within for the entirety of our existence. For that reason I suppose we are all motivated by a certain self-interest. We are all concerned about our own survival.

What to Look Out For: Potential VolunTouring Problems

Kathy Mcphail in Uganda

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As we’ve discussed on the blog over the past few weeks, voluntouring is a potentially life-changing experience for both the volunteer and the people she helps. It is a real, accessible option for people with full lives, families, and tight budgets. The voluntour opportunities out there are as varied as the people of the world. Of course, with such an overwhelming number of voluntour organizations in operation, some of them are bound to be better than others. Here are some important things to look for when planning your voluntour.