Journeys for Good™ offers customized volunteer trips which combine meaningful service with award-winning video storytelling.
We bring our travel and storytelling expertise to help your company design a unique and immersive volunteer opportunity. Then, we amplify and extend the experience with mobile-friendly content which can be shared in both internal and external communications.
Our nonprofit partner Globe Aware has been a leader in the burgeoning voluntour industry since 1990 and, in consultative status with UN, has developed a wide variety of projects and destinations vetted to ensure they are sustainable and sourced from the local people in conjunction with in-country NGO’s.
These meaningful short-term trips to international destinations take your employees out of their comfort zone, opening the door for meaningful growth and bonding.
Our award-winning production team captures the experience on location, then shapes mobile-friendly episodic video to tell the story of each volunteer adventure from beginning to end. This high quality, easily shareable content showcases and celebrates your company’s good works.
Journeys for Good tells captivating stories about the transformation that happens when people connect while working shoulder to shoulder on volunteer travel projects across the globe. It reveals the symbiotic relationship between people who are there to help and those who receive it. It’s stories of connection, accomplishment, growth and understanding. It’s about awakening a sense of your place in the world and the value that is gained in giving back. It’s about sharing these stories and inspiring others to give back in their own way.
This unique combination of service travel and video storytelling delivers value on multiple levels:
Provides rich and immersive volunteer experiences for employees; supporting engagement, team building & recruitment.
Delivers high quality, mobile-friendly, easily shared content for corporate communications.
Amplifies and extends the experience with content for consumer-facing channels to benefit CSR, community relations, investor relations, PR, marketing and social media.
Journeys for Good engages employees, customers and stakeholders — all while celebrating goodwill and global citizenry.
Good Works Amplified
Developed and produced by an Emmy and Telly award-winning production team, the original content is an engaging way to extend and amplify the trip experience in both internal and external communications channels.
- Internally: Journeys for Good gives HR managers new tools for employee incentive, retention, team-building, personal development & retention. Corporate communications can also source the material for internal channels.
- Consumer-facing: CSR, community relations, investor relations, marketing, PR and social media teams also benefit with powerful content to showcase their company doing good in the world.
The Secret Sauce
These core tenets are employed to make each each volunteer adventure indelible:
- Context: What are the stories of the people you are there to help? What is their daily life like? How does this project benefit his/her life?
- Immersion: In addition to the service projects, opportunities are created for participants to share meals with locals and learn about the local culture. This deepens the experience and supports the bonds that develop during shared effort.
- Reflection: Each participant has opportunities before, during and after the experience to share their insights and revelations. How have their preconceptions changed? What have they learned about the local people? Their fellow volunteers? Themselves? Their company?
Program Details
We begin by designing a rich, custom experience based on your unique brand and company culture. Once a volunteer trip is selected, Journeys for Good will augment the experience throughout each phase; building anticipation, sharing information and celebrating achievement.
Before the trip: Introduce and Inspire
Provide context with relevant information about the projects and political/socio-economic challenges in the region.
Share location highlights and trip planning information

During the trip: Inform and Engage
Profile locals and service project beneficiaries
Share video clips, photos and posts from the field
Curate campaign content from around the web
After the trip: Celebrate and Advocate
Share webisodic video content from the trip
Celebrate transformations with participant testimonials

Throughout the campaign: Sustained Engagement
Host branded company pages which aggregate, curate, and display social media feeds with associated campaign hashtags on the Journeys for Good website.
Profile trip participants with bios, photos and video clips.
Program Benefits
For Human Resources
- Supports employees engagement/retention
- Creates unique incentives/rewards programs
- Supports team building/community
- Enhances recruitment
For Marketing/PR
- Compelling content for PR, social media, CSR, investor relations
- Attracts and engages customers
- Showcases a company’s positive impact on the world
High Quality Content
- Award-winning production team drives the development and production of compelling storytelling
- 10 short webisodic videos which follow the transformative experience from beginning to end
- Participant testimonials convey the first person experience
- High quality still images sourced from video
- Half-hour documentary for company-wide celebration event (Optional)
- Additional content tailored for specific company channels (upon request)
Partner Pages and Curated Content
Partner pages are offered as an informational hub for your campaign where everyone can follow the story as it unfolds. Hashtag campaign content can be curated from around the web to foster participation and engagement. A look at what you will find on your Journeys for Good company page:
In The News
Many companies today are challenged with finding innovative ways to attract and retain millennials, both as a workforce and customer base. This generation, and the ones that follow, embrace different motivations and are looking for companies that take a different approach to reach, inspire and retain them.
Millennials want to create shared value, make positive social and environmental changes, and increase opportunities for disadvantaged populations. Recruiting the top talent of tomorrow begins with making a difference today. – Fast Company, 2015
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Brands can bring their CSR efforts to life through authentic storytelling. Millennials want to know what companies are doing to make the world a better place. – Huffington Post, 2016
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When a corporation gives back to its local community and the world at large, it is making a sound investment in its long-term financial success.
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Journeys for Good is pleased to partner with Globe Aware to offer customized voluntour opportunities.
Globe Aware , a nonprofit charity in consulatative status with the United Nations, has been an experienced leader in the burgeoning voluntour industry since 1990. They develop short-term volunteer programs in international environments that encourage people to immerse themselves in a unique way of giving back.
Globe Aware operates trips around the globe, offering a wide selection of volunteer opportunities throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe and the Caribbean.
Since 1990, Globe Aware has been establishing long-term strategic partnerships and projects in the non-profit and for-profit international arenas, leading to rich and immersive voluntour experiences.
Globe Aware has been featured and profiled in numerous news outlets, among them: CNN, The New York Times, Business Week, NBC’s Today Show, National Public Radio, Newsweek, Travel & Leisure. Globe Aware has also been the subject of several major documentaries, including the Emmy award-winning public television program, “Journeys for Good: Cambodia”.
Sample Trips